Friday, October 7, 2011

Canadian Tire money

I remember collecting it before Amber's wedding social.  We wanted one of the prizes to be $100.00 of Canadian Tire  money and for weeks before, we were all buying our gas there.  I think Darren still goes there often and saves the money.

Yesterday was spent at the gallery in Selkirk helping out with the selection of pieces for an exhibition there next month.  There weren't too many entries, despite our trying to get the word out over the past year.  A bit disappointing, but we were prepared for that happening and have enough to fill the gallery from other sources.  Unfortunately, I made the arrangements knowing I had the time, but not realizing that David had an appointment.  So he dropped me off at Tim's in Selkirk before noon.  I had a drink and then walked to the gallery.  It was a bit of a hike, certainly further than the walk from house on Maplewood to the top of the street-which Daddy always said was about 1/2 mile.  I have been walking  more lately, and have a new pair of outdoor shoes that are much more supportive.  And I did it!

Today was spent grocery shopping for the weekend and the rest of the month.  Now I'm beat.  Still have lots to do before Sunday though.

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