Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Catch up

The panic is over.  The big rush gone, and I now have time to think. Most of Thursday was spent out in Selkirk for the selection porocess for a galery exhibition. ( I think I mentioned that)  Sunday was great with the children all over.  Of course, dinner is wild with such a small kitchen.  Everyone fends for themselves ( little ones with Mother's help), and we all try to sit at the table.  Gillian wanted to learn how to make whipped cream, but was barely tall enough to handle the small hand mixer. This just a couple of days after her audition for The Nutcracker, when she found out--probably for the first time in her life, that she was too big for something.  She is 4'10'' and the size limit was 4"8".  She seems so tiny, but she's the same height as her Great-Grandmother Findlay. Loren and his children arrived at almost the last minute, as he had been watching the Jets' game on his big screen tv.  We watched some of the celebrations after we ate, as well.

We did play "that dice game".  It's so nice to have a game that everyone can play from 3 years to adult.  Samantha gets bored and wanders off after 5-10 minutes, but she still feels as though she was part of it.  She hasn't noticed that no-one is writing down her score.

 Before everyone went home we had a Lion Ceremony--we forgot to do it earlier. Now, this wasn't much of a ceremony.  Loren's leg was bothering him, so they decided to use the wheelbarrow to transport the poor beast to the garage.  ( No-one was willing to try to get him down the basement stairs.)  By the time we got out there it was dark.  The little girls weren't sure what was going on and the older ones didn't care.  Amber had disappeared.  I was off looking for Amber, and missed half of it.  But he got moved, and will rest in the garage until next May.

Monday my Ravenesque group came for the day.  A very nice way to spend a day, but it still meant that I had to tidy up the studio and prepare food and drink.  Tuesday I finally got to start the quilted hanging that I've promised for a gallery exhibition at the end of the month--and it all has to be hand-beaded.  There is a second piece for the exhibition that is half beaded but will have to be framed. 

Today I taught two ladies how to make reversible quilts.  We had a great time, and then found out that there had been confusion about my fees.  Big embarrasment for all. The yhad thought that my hourly fee was the fee for the total class.  As if!!  At first I said that it was fine and I would take what was offered but one of them ( the one who had organized everything) insisted she would pay me.  So I got my money, but they went away unhappy, and I probably won't see them again.

But I forgot to take anything out of the freezer for supper, so we're eating pizza from Giant Tiger.  But there is nothing more on the calendar until next week and for that I am grateful.

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