Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blogging woes

This whole blogging thing is great when it works as you expect it to, but it is those little glitches that get really upsetting so "may the force be with us all....." and I wish no further issues for any of us. However having said that I knew one of you was having trouble because I received another e-mail from blogger support - now that I know what that e-mail means, I do not worry so much that something is wrong from my end again.
I'm feeling really good right now because of my new coiffure. It is amazing how two hours in the chair and the resulting new hairdo can boost your spirits so much. That will wane as it always does, but for now I shall enjoy it!
I also enjoyed Tuesday in North Bay starting with tea and a visit with Aunt Evelyn - she telephoned us at home at 7 am Tuesday morning to ask us to visit - she knows we usually come to North Bay on Tuesday. She had a card table set up in her front room with a lovely embroidered table cloth covering, and muffins to eat. I think she is a little lonely although she talks about all the outings and people she sees. And we had a wonderful visit with Mike - he got off work just after 4 pm (early) so it made it nice for us to relax, and eat our supper and chat a bit before we had to head back home.The rhubarb pie we had for dessert was very delicious - I have some extra pastry in the freezer from the baking on Monday, so tomorrow plan to pull it out and bake up another pie for us to eat here at home. I left the remainder of the one pie, and another whole pie with Mike to enjoy over the next few days - he says he has friends coming from out of town on Friday to help him celebrate his birthday so I know it will be eaten very quickly!
I actually touched my bicycle today with the intent of unlocking it and taking it around the block - that didn't happen, but I can sense that I am getting closer to such a blessed event - perhaps tomorrow if all goes well. what a shame to have it there, and not make use of it? I also took off my socks and shoes tonight at the lake and dabbled my feet in the water - I would love to jump in and swim but that won't happen because of the location and having the dog with me. Or, on second thought, why not?????? Well, thats it for now and sending a message to Patty re her finger - good on you to get mobile again. I can now compare my poor old ever increasing disfigured fingers and bulbous joints with your little finger and you can be assured that I do know just how you feel haha  Take care

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