Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Recovery time

I was totally exhausted after my Shibori class.  Maybe too much time outside in the fresh air?  Then, on Monday evening, my Ravenesque group visited.  So yesterday was spent mainly in a sort of stupour, reading and stitching ourtside.  It was a beautiful day, so we set up the umbrella over the picnic table.  The table, itself, suffered over the winter.  One of the tabletop boards has swollen and split.  It could be fixed, but I don't know if either of us has the energy and skill.  When Daddy made something it was meant to last forever, so I imagine this was "glued and screwed".

For the last few days, everytime I walk through the house, I see another bit of housework that needs to be done.  we're managing to keep on top of most of the daily chores, but the deeper needs just aren't getting done.  So today, I decided to write them all down--make a list--put them in a parking lot! Having done that, I can stop worrying about forgetting something, or missing a chore.  I can always add to the list, but the list itself will always be there as a reminder, when the time comes that I actually feel like working.  Hey!  It works for me, and with company coming, I have a deadline.
for today, I'm grateful that the wind has diminished a bit lately, and we can actually get out for a bicycle ride.

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