Saturday, June 23, 2012


Loren has been involved with the Fringe for several years now, but, I think, this is the first time he is going to be in something in an actual theatre!  Lately, he has been involved more in the production end of things for his Magic group, and it almost sounds as though he has been enjoying that part of it more. I told him you had asked, and suggested that he might leave a comment on your posting with more information.

End of the month means quiet times here.  We've been able to get out on our bikes the last couple of days, and it's been wonderful! I was into Walmart the other day and found a very nice blouse for $3.00, so I, too, will have something new to wear while you are here, Beth.  It's been hot and humid lately, and jeans just don't cut it.  So I'm back in the old Weekender stuff that I had relegated to "studio clothes". I have a colonoscopy scheduled for Monday, so today and tomorrow are preparation days.  No fun!  But we're getting to an age when these things need to happen.  David has had it done a couple of times, because of his mother, but this will be my first time. I think last time he had an allergic reaction to the preparation, and spent the might before in emergency. Whoopee!!

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