Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I can't remember if I told you that my Columbine had survived the winter.  It appears to be thriving.  there are two plants that we bought last spring.  the blooms on the other one are really not at all interesting, but these are lovely.  A lady delivering something to the house yesterday actually stopped and took a picture, so, of course, I had to do the same thing.

I visited a friend last night, and it turns out that she had recently taken an internet course on studio re-organization, and used the info for a total re-vamp of her studio.  I can't believe the difference, and wish that I could afford to do similar things, but I have to work with what I have.  The visit did result in me asking myself some hard questions.  It has been my way to re-purpose or use what I have at hand.  But----do I really need a tv and VCR in the studio.  We haven't used the VCR in years, and those DVD's that I do have, can be played on my laptop.  By getting rid of the entertainment centre, the whole area opens up.  We'll have to wait until we can get some help to actually take the entertainment centre out of the basement, but for now it is empty and turned with its back against the wall.  We have just come back from taking a whole trunk load of "stuff" to the thrift store, including a side table, a foot stool, and about 100 stereo cassettes.  Did you read where the term " cassette" has been removed from the dictionary as being archaic, and no longer in common use?  We were also told that the thrift store no longer accepts entertainment centres, as there is no market for them.  O-k-a-y.......gotta think about that one.

Lunch is finished, so back into the "salt mines".

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