Monday, May 25, 2015


I'll take this rain any day over that cold spell we had. Even if it means pumping out front haha!
Getting caught up on some inside stuff today which includes some mending and hopefully, some sewing - perhaps hexis or maybe geese - haven't decided yet.
We went to the Farm Gardens yesterday and it was a super fine day for them to hold their open house. We bought some plants - veg and flowers, and then sat listening to the music and enjoying a BBQ hot dog. The owner even showed us his new hydroponics setup. They are building a new big greenhouse to set up rows and rows of trays of hydroponic tubes to grow lettuce, and kale and greens etc.We did NOT get our asparagus as hoped as they lost it all with the frost. So we will have to wait until more grows. Too bad as I had my self set for a good feed.
The rest of the day was spent planting, removing everything from the greenhouses and rota tilling and then replanting tomatoes inside the small greenhouse.I planted flowers in a back rock garden and I must say, it looks quite nice! Of course there were the many "sit downs" at the table at the back of the house. This is where we have set up our relaxation place for this year. It is very quiet and comfortable surrounded by gardens and trees. The neighbours from Holland who own the home next door are not coming this year until August so we don't have them there - very private.
Well, time to pump again. Take care.

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