Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sorting out the studio

This involves several trips to the basement every day.  Ever time I get near the owl nest, PePe asks "is she here yet?"  As bad as a little kid!  Shouldn't have told him so soon.  But today was a little different.  Now he wants to  know if Faith is coming with you, Beth.  He can see her picture, and has figured out that two owls will fit inside the nest.  (I'm not sure if he fully realizes that he will be moving across the country to live with her, and you, when you leave.)  Anyway, both Joy and Knight, have taken up his cause and they have asked if Faith can come to visit, as well. Cathy, all of this makes me wonder if maybe Spirit could/should come to visit too?  I know Joy and Spirit have met, and that all of the boys were together for awhile, but Faith was never a part of that.  On thinking about it, Spirit and Faith were together for a bit, just after they were born, but maybe too young, at the time, to remember?  In any case, neither Knight or PePe have met her. I doubt all three of them would fit in the nest, but I can figure something else out, fairly easily.

What say you, ladies?

Cathy, I found an untitled and empty post of yours.  I wasn't sure what that was about, so I deleted it.  I hope I haven't been bad.

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