Thursday, August 13, 2015

Foggy mysterious morning...

Just came back from an early walk to the lake with Scooby. I love these mornings that are foggy and spooky - quiet and peaceful. I couldn't see the water until I got right up and could hear it lapping at the shore.
Yesterday I made two blueberry kuchens, and baked off a batch of oatmeal cookies. Yes, Pati you made me do it haha!  I still have a roll in the fridge to bake off today or tomorrow.
My old cat is moribund. hasn't eaten for about five days and is not mobile. Just laying on the chesterfield. I give it water and take it to the litter box but otherwise he just lays. I wish I could help him. He appears to be in no pain or discomfort short of not eating and not walking.
Did a lot of work in garden yesterday. Hopefully today I can rest a bit. Anyway, on with the day..... Take care

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