Saturday, August 22, 2015


We had just left for town, about noon, when the second storm hit us.  We could not see a thing on the highway.  We stopped once and the 4 cars behind us also pulled over to wait.  We (all of us) set out again, but everyone had their 4 way flashers on and we were going about 50 or 60kph.  The streets in town were flooded and "rivers" were flowing down the middle of the street.  I got to shop easy, hopped out of the truck and ran into the store and my jacket was so wet I had to take it off. About 15 seconds in the rain.  This morning Jim went down to the colony to get some eggs and came home with banana peppers, green peppers, yellow beans, carrots, cauliflower, fresh corn and a bag of buns.  They sure load him up when he visits!  Corn and chicken for supper tomorrow!  Now he is back in town to play Chase the Ace and I intend to sit on the couch and read another book from my childhood.  This time it is Andre Norton's "Star Gate".  It is one of the books Debbie Ginther bought me after the house burned down.  She went to a used book store and loaded up on a whole bunch of the books we had both enjoyed when we were younger.  A very thoughtful gift.  The rain has stopped but the wind in howling.  A good night to be at home.

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