Sunday, October 4, 2015

I'm still here..

I realise that I have been avidly reading the blog but not contributing.  I guess I feel my life is pretty boring.  I go to work and I go home.  I must lose track of time because I was convinced today was October 6.  I phoned Kris to see if they had a good time for their anniversary.  I just left a message and as I put my phone down I saw that today is only the 4th!  I guess they won't know until tomorrow how their anniversary is!  We are still under renovation at work and the roofers come in next week.  We will have both sets going at once.  Jim treated me to chinese tonight.  We were going to have take out but the smorg had just gone out when we got to the restaurant.  We decided to try it and it was wonderful!  Lots of variety  and it tasted fantastic.  I overate of course, even though I tried not to.  We cleaned out the garden shed yesterday.  We have been fighting with a squirrel the last couple of years.  This year, after Jim carted out the 5 gallon pail of pine cones the squirrel had stored in the shed, we put tinfoil all around the top of the wall and then boarded it up.,  The squirrel will prbably get in again but maybe we slowed it down.  The shed is cleaner than it has ever been.  We are just about out of fresh tomatoes.  I guess it is back to the plastic ones from the store.  I have lots in the freeser but they don't make very good sandwiches.  Back to work tomorrow.  Time to buy another lottery ticket and dream.

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