Monday, November 28, 2016


It's the end of November, and I had to do my shopping this morning in a steady rain!  By afternoon it was changing to sleet-y snow, but rain? In November? 

Your weekend sounds wonderful Cathy.  I sometimes miss the social life that is the reward for being active in the community, but you seem to have it down pat.

Other than shopping, and paying bills, we had a lazy day.  I tended to my dye baths, and then puttered in the studio.  Then spent most of the evening sitting in front of the tv sewing hexies.   The dyeing is over for now, ( I have one small bath going overnight, but it will be finished by morning, and it's just to create a backing fabric to match a couple of the pieces I did earlier.)  My dye supply is getting low, and it will be a few weeks before I can order more.  Not that I'm worried about keeping busy, as the housework has been ignored a bit lately.  As well, the table in the basement studio is about 2 feet deep ( I'm not exaggerating).  David bought a new power bar for the lights and radio down there, so spending time won't seem so bad now.  Maybe I can get the area tidied up by Christmas. 

Since we are going to Amber's for Christmas, and only have to produce some "pip'n'squeak", we're not sure how much we might do around here.  I look forward to making a bit of fuss, and decorating a little, but David appears to prefer not.  It's hard to find a happy medium.  Perhaps a tree this year, but no fancy Christmas dishes?  we'll see.

Not going to worry tonight.  Sleep well, everyone.

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