Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Egg nog and Almond Cream Sherry

The Andres Almond Cream sherry I have been enjoying for a while - one glass during late day or evening and just enough to keep me a bit sane haha, or to settle me down for bed. Today at shopping in North Bay, the Egg Nog was on sale and although I know I do not want to have it, and try to resist, two cartons appeared in my cart. Now I have no choice but to drink it , right? I tried a small pour of Sherry in a glass with the egg nog and was overwhelmed with the nice smooth taste. This I can really get used to but must still maintain some degree of control! I received an email from my friend Sue who was only the conduit for me to receive an email from my old boss at Home Care. She sent me greetings for Christmas along with many gorgeous pictures of owls camoflaged in trees and bushes. She sent it via Sue because she did not have my address. Now here is the dilemna - do I respond which would open up my email address to her and in some way indicate permission to send me directly?I had not wanted to correspond with her in this fashion, but am I being obstinate or what? Please answer as I would appreciate any advice. My last few years with Home Care were not too pleasant due to many situations involving her, and involving another Manager.
Anyway, getting cooler here now so may actually get a bit of winter back - still no precipitation except rain and sleet. But the roof is almost clear of snow, and for that I am very happy. Must keep a close eye on it though as things could change quickly. Likely spend some time watching a Christmas movie - bought ELF yesterday - starring Will FArrel but I have never seen it. Also bought You've Got Mail with Tom Hanks ands Meg Ryan. I watched Sleepless in Seatle with theses same actors,
just last week and enjoyed it so thought this might  be another  nice fluff movie for me as well. All of these movies will go back into a box ready to pull out again next Christmas - sort of a little tradition I have created for myself to sit by the Christmas tree lights and watch seasonal shows! Thinking of you both and take care for now.

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