Saturday, December 22, 2012

Snow and Toasting with Wine

Great combination. I was wrong - about the snow that is. Did we ever get a storm - gusts and blowing and snowing all afternoon and night. You could hear the howling and felt as if it were going to blow right into the house. Actually did.....I opened the front door early this morning  to take the dog out, and was greeted with a wall of snow about two feet high. Had to sweep a path to get outside - the gusting had piled the snow all along the front of our house and I couldn't even get down the stairs. Spent from 7 am to 11 am shovelling and clearing and even got the front roof cleared off a bit. I have no where to pile the snow so used the scoop and dumped it into the ditch along the street just in front of the house. Maybe tomorrow I can get the back roof done, and more cleanup.
I shall have my F glass full and at the ready for 7 pm (my time) on Monday evening. What a grand idea. Someone in Ontario won $50 million last night and guess was not me!! Take care

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