Wednesday, July 31, 2013

And I have veggies up the ying yang....

...if anyone is passing through! How many cucumbers and tomatoes can I eat in a day, you might ask? While I was out today, Harry walked to the market and bought another basket of blueberries and some beets, and beans. Add that to the already overwhelming list of available food in the fridge - I should have a party perhaps?
Highlight of my day -  I went out to lunch today and met my friends in the Swiss Chalet as planned. We departed from the usual chicken , and we each ordered a different salad, or wrap dish. I had a delicious spinach/chicken salad and quite enjoyed it. But we were not to have dessert as Sue's husband Dave told her that she was to treat us all to Kawartha Ice cream on his behalf. So off we drove to this specialty store - lots of people lined up but we bought our ice creams and then sat in Sue's car to eat and talk some more. I got pictures of us all in the restaurant so will send you each a letter with pictures of my beautiful lily, and of my friends. It was a real treat for me to go out and I thoroughly enjoyed the time. I drove the new car for the first time and had no trouble with the speed control which I have never used before in any car.
Thinking of you Patty as you head out for the Lake, and what are you doing Cathy for the long weekend? Besides the drive in movie on Sunday night, we have nothing planned - probably eating vegetables I would guess haha Take care

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