Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Summer time--and the livin' is easy---

Sunday evening was Gillian's recital.  I do enjoy these.  Firstly, there are the younger ones, not so much since Gillian changed schools, but still, there are a few.  They are so cute!  They try so hard that you can't help but feel for them. While they try to intersperse levels, generally the level increases as the evening progresses.  The increased skill and confidence is obvious, and I find it interesting to see how the skills are built upon level by level.  At one point they have two professional ballet dancers perform, and this gives a wonderful opportunity to see where this skill development is going.  But it isn't limited to the ballet, as there is Jazz, Hip-Hop, Musical Theatre (Gillian's favourite), and this year,a surprising number of Tap performances.  In my opinion, the skill level was obviously better than last year, and so was the costuming.

Yesterday, I accompanied David while he visited garden centers looking for planters.  A relaxing day as I sat in the car and read my book while he went in to see if they had anything that would make it worth my while to take a look   They didn't.  I also had my hair cut.  I go to one of these walk-in places but have been going to the same one for years and know the workers well. Last time a new woman did a poor job and wouldn't you know it, she was next up when I walked in.  But this time I had the gumption to say that I would wait for another worker. I'm glad I did.

Most of today was spent in the studio. (see other blog) Tonight I am off to the AGM of the local art group I belong to.  I have an idea that there may be contentious issues, so have done some research and am ready to say my piece.  However, talking at  these things can get you elected to office, so I also have my excuses ready.

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