Saturday, September 12, 2015


Pati, you have no idea how jealous I am that you always seem to know where you are are going.  I am always scared because I never know where I am.  I won't shop in Super Store, or even our local Safeway, because I get lost in the store  I was trying to explain to Jim the terror I feel when I  don.t know where I am.  Probably both of you have an inate sense of direction and cannot fathom how I feel when I don't know where I am.  He was making fun of a potato truck driver who got lost trying to find the next field.  We had a big fight because I understood getting lost, but he didn`t  and made fun of her.  If he only understood the terror of not knowing where you are, even when you are in a store.  Just  venting, even if neither of you understand

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