Monday, March 7, 2016

An adventure

Yes, today I had my test.  What a strange experience!  The only really uncomfortable part was the ultra sound.  The way she was digging around under and through my left boob you would think she was drilling for oil!  Bruises for sure. There were delays.  The doctor was called away for an emergency.  After waiting a bit, they called in another doctor, and we waited some more, but when the other doctor came, all he really had to do was explain the procedure and the precautions and get me to sign a consent.  Then. after it was done, my blood pressure was very low, and they had to wait until it reached a certain level before they would let me move.  David was sitting outside, and he told me he was getting worried.  We had been told 30 minutes, it was moving toward an hour, and people kept coming and going.  But we both survived. although we both almost had heart attacks when we were faced with $11.25 for less than 2 hours parking!

Cathy, how did Jim make out?  Any idea when he gets his surgery?  I understood that this was a preliminary to the actual surgery, or was I wrong?

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