Saturday, December 19, 2020

Darn Kindle!

 Wasted far too much time trying to get it operational.  Thursday evening I was over 2 hours working on it, and that included a very unpleasant phone call to The Geek Squad and two separate phone calls with Shaw.  I had thought the problems were resolved but yesterday morning, it wouldn't work at all.  So I arranged to return it, the adaptor, the cover and two books, to Amazon. Boxed everything up including the two separate return slips ( had to re-open the parcel to put the second one in), and took the box to the Post Office.  Now we've seen the line ups at the Post Office the past few days.  It is in Sobey's grocery store, and often the line is half way across the front of the store, and in the way of everyone trying to shop. I've been seeing this every time I've been there since mid-November. And the waits are long. I took my walker, so I would have something to sit on while in line.  This meant that David had to get it down from where it had been hanging in the garage, and then figure out how to get it in the car along with the basket that fits on it.  He didn't want to take a chance that it might harm the car, so used a big furniture moving quilt under it. It also meant that I would have to deal with it at the store. Parking was an issue and I was parked a little crooked, but got it out of the trunk.  The furniture moving quilt came along with it, but that was quickly returned to the trunk without getting into the sloppy wet dirty snow off the ground.  I had some trouble getting the basket on, but finally headed into the store. Sailed across the front of the store, and right up to the counter of the Post Office.  No-one in line.  I mentioned it to the clerk and she said that it was the first time that day that she wasn't being rushed off her feet.  Parcel mailed, I picked up a bag of potatoes and a 2lb bag of baby carrots and headed out.  So, now I've got my purse, the walker, the basket, and two large heavy bags.  The ground it filthy and wet, and somehow I need to juggle everything and get it in the back of the car.  And, in order to fit everything in, the walker has to go in first, and it's heavy enough to require two hands. It took a few minutes, but I found a small depression in the floor of the trunk to put the carrots.  I realized that the depression would between the handles of the walker, so added the potatoes.  Put the wire basket on the ground, between my feet, and put my purse in it.  Then lifted the walker into the car, without putting my purse in danger of theft, picked up the purse and put it over my arm, before putting the slightly dirty basket in, on top of the walker.  Then with a huge sense of accomplishment and relief, drove straight across the parking lot to McDonald's and treated myself with a cup of coffee. 

I got home just in time to receive Gail's daily phone call.  While I was talking with her, David was assembling two shepherd's pies from beef he had ground up and the potatoes I had brought home.  Good thing I bought potatoes, as, while he had been helping me load the walker, and then cleaning up some spilled bird seed, the ones that were cooking  had burned dry, and were unusable. He didn't have a good day. After supper, I made two batches of Melting Moments. This was a bit of a trial, as I had forgotten where I had stored the Kitchen Aid mixer and stand.  Finally found it under the bar the basement.  It had to be washed down, before it could be used.  I was wanting to make cookie boxes for the children, so things that had been previously baked had to be found and taken to the kitchen.  Everything was ready by 9:00, but we weren't.  So it all is sitting and staring at me while I'm typing this.  So, once the icing is made and the cookies frosted, I can assemble everything--hopefully before Gail gets here mid-afternoon, as one of the boxes is for her.

It would appear that Christmas can be a busy time, even under a Covid Lockdown.  Stay safe ladies.

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