Sunday, December 13, 2020

Not so bad

 Anticipating a real bad storm as predicted but it came and went and not so bad. It did come with freezing rain though so it is hard and crusty on top which may make shoveling a challenge. The plough has yet to do our street and that too creates more difficulty at the end of the driveway but "we" shall prevail!

Around supper last evening in the storm i took the dogs out and down the street came a fire rescue truck with lights flashing and siren on and off followed by another truck pulling a big flatbed with a sleigh and reindeer and Santa sitting in his sleigh waving and ho ho hoing! This was followed with a van with truck open. It was then that i realized this was the usual annual Village Santa Parade curtailed by Covid but still attempting some seasonal joy going up and down streets picking up bags of food that people were donating. It was probably advertised but i did not know so did not have any food ready. But i was standing on the street with my two dogs waving and greeting Santa and talking to the passenger in the rescue truck who had her window down! So I guess you could say i was participating and doing my share???

Christmas Fruit cakes baked yesterday - it was a bit of an afterthought on Harry's part but it was triggered by me pulling out the two loaves from last year and freshing them up with Brandy so I guess it was all my initiative after all. Lots of ingredients bought and fuss in the kitchen but they are done and wrapped and stored to season nicely. But it did cause me to have to go into the local LCBO to purchase more Brandy and while there i treated myself to some Wisers, and also a bottle of Creme de Cacao with which I plan to make myself a Brandy Alexander (or four)- but I need some cream so must wait for a grocery run. I ran across a recipe I had saved long ago and realized that long ago I quite enjoyed this drink - so why not try it again I say!.

And so that is my life to date. Hope all is well with you folks. Take care.

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