Friday, December 18, 2020

What an interesting message Pati.

Hoping you can get some advice about your new Kindle Pati because I know how excited you were to purchase and receive ( took a long time to come didn't it?) Why there were no instructions eludes me. I know you will have to download the site ( in my case it was KOBO) where you can purchase books etc but also the Library to see if you can get any through them. Good luck and keep us informed.

I just read your message again, and realize how much I can see and feel myself in your comments about being isolated and venturing out into the world on occasion. Even when I take the dogs for a walk I have come to resent anyone else daring to be on the road (most also with dogs in tow) and the cars that dare to travel down this main road to the highway and into the Village. I have come not to want to listen to the news or other radio shows as once i did, and would rather listen to my music which these days is mostly Christmas songs. Often times I have to remind myself that I am a human after all, and have a need for some social contact (other than the two of us inside the house haha) so have to adjust my thinking - what do they call it? - an attitude adjustment!

So today I shall judge myself. I go for a much needed hair cut at 9 am and then will pack the car with some gift bags and tray of goodies and drive up to North Bay to drop off at Willie's. I also have to get gas at Canadian Tire Gas bar so will have to interact there as well. And on way home drop into the local Lottery Store. Now this store is comfortable for me for some reason - probably because i frequent it two days a week to get my fix haha!

Just a few thoughts on this very cold morning while sipping my first coffee! Take care one week today is Christmas Day and that means only 7 more sleeps .. by the way I still plan to salute you folks at 7 pm (my time) on Christmas Day. I shall be hoping you will in turn at least think of me at the same time......

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