Wednesday, December 16, 2020

It's very scary out there

 Between shopping after our early morning doctor's appointment yesterday, and a trip later this morning, we got the grocery shopping done for now.  I was appalled at the number of people we ran into in Superstore who had obviously never heard of social distancing. We had to go in there to get some whey protein and found several things with prices that were just too good to leave behind, as well as on our list in the first place.  I sure want to avoid going there again, any time soon.  Walmart was better when we went there to pick up a prescription, but only because there were fewer people there ( go figure!).  The Bulk Barn was rigidly limiting the number of people they were letting in at any one time, but David says the line up to pay was across the front of the store, down the full length of the last aisle and 5 people deep going across the back of the store. He was well over half an hour in there and only needed to buy one item.  I almost fell asleep in the nice warm car, and had trouble waking up for the rest of the afternoon( I had turned the car off early in my ordeal--no worries there).  I would still like to see if I can find some empty Christmas tins to make into cookie boxes for the family.  That way I could do my Christmas baking and not have to eat it myself.  Not going to try Nanaimo Bars though, the ingredients are just too expensive.

It's nice to have the libraries open again, but each has quite a process for getting one's books.  Tomorrow we have to go to two different libraries for pick ups and have to make one drop off as well.  Not much is going on in the studio, but there are ideas in my head, and that is what counts. One day of cold, and now back to warmer temps.  This means no snow shoveling for us--so far.  David has all of the tools ready when the time comes.  Lots of activity at the Gro-op next door though.  David was talking to them today.  There was so  much smoke damage from the fire that the entire first floor had to be gutted.  That has been done and now they're starting to put it back together--to suit themselves I'm sure, even if it can never go back to a residence again. So it would appear that we can foresee having them next door for quite awhile.

Slept well last night, after getting up at 5:45 and running most of the day, until enduring a 2 1/2 hour Zoom meeting last evening.  I was exhausted by bedtime, and almost missed my 9:00am Zoom today.  I can only hope that I'll sleep as well tonight.  And I wish the same to both of you.  Sleep well, and stay safe.

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