Tuesday, March 23, 2021

I need to catch my breath

 Compared to life a couple of months ago, I feel like I'm on a marathon.  I'm really not liking this feeling, and keep hoping for  a nice quiet day under lockdown. While I try to fight it, I see us far too quickly resuming our previous life style of picking up a few groceries every couple of days, more as an excuse to get out, than any real need. But, then, I had a long list of supplements etc that I needed to pick up  from Walmart, and took my list along when picking up a couple of prescriptions, yesterday.  Only I find them in the middle of a major re-organization of the department, and bare shelves everywhere.

I was to another meeting in Selkirk, Sunday.  I have been given this awkward stove-pipe splint to wear on my right arm when sleeping.  I just don't sleep well when wearing it, and have found that I need a bit of a nap later in the afternoon.  Sunday I came home, had a bit of lunch and fell into bed for almost 2 hours.  Yesterday, I had an appointment for the preliminary work of getting a new hearing aide. This evening I have a 3 hour Zoom workshop on beading, and had arranged to pick up a special button I need for the workshop, in Riverheights, so went on my way home from the hearing center. Then it was off to Walmart, off to buy coffee and gas, and finally home--to another nap- not so long this time. While all of this is going on, I'm trying to spend every minute I can working on the beading of, what I hope is, the last piece needed for the exhibition in May.

The workshop this evening is on beading, but the instructor is a very high profile instructor from Australia.  I would take a workshop from her in just about anything she wants to teach. Beth, it's Lisa Walton, whom we have both seen on The Quilt Show, and I also know as the past chair of SAQA, the largest and best art quilting association there is. We get 3 hours tonight and another 3 hours next Tuesday.  I want to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for this. (When I say that I always remember saying that to an old lady client I had, who responded with "well my eyes aren't so good, but my tail's in fine shape".)  I may not learn a lot, but Lorrain used to say that if you learn even one thing in a workshop, it is time well spent.  And being on Zoom, there is a somewhat social aspect to it.

Meanwhile, David is holding everything together on the home front.  I don't know how I could get along without him.  We both are very dependent on our books, to fill time. The library is open to pick up books that we have on hold, but not to browse the stacks. David is number one on the list for quite a few books, but they never come in, so he asked and found out that they are all in the Cornish library, which is not yet open.  He won't get them until it does, and then he'll probably get them all at once.

David has just told me that we have an e-mail from Amber telling us that Jessica needs plastic surgery on her hand, at HSC, and they are waiting for it, maybe later today or tomorrow. That family doesn't need this, especially right now.

Best go.  Looking forward to hearing from both of you.

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