Friday, March 28, 2014

Hm-m-m? May you live in interesting times. Curse or blessing?

This is obviously a difficult time for you.  I can see the gov't at work when , after months of preparation, the end result is chaos.  Can we provide a forum to vent, and stamp your feet?  Don't cut us off--we may be the only people on your side.

This is the time to make sure you take care of yourself.  Have you any stress reduction strategies you can beef up?  Shall I send my stress reduction cd up on the bus?  Not a joke!!  I find using the right music as background goes a long way  in modifying my mood.  Is there any way you could subtly introduce some aromatherapy into the office.  Lavender and Oil of Begamot worked for me.  Just remember that if you can smell it, you have used too much.  If not in the office, could you use a bit in the car on the way home, so as to create a bit of transition period and not take the stress into you home/sanctuary?  Does Keri have any herbal teas that you could use?  I find Tension Tamer wonderful--so wonderful that I use it sparingly.  How about one minute of deep breathing and relaxation every hour?

I assume that the next little while will prove a testing ground for all employees.  Not easy to deal with.  Have you tried to develop a strategy to deal with "worst case scenario".  If bad comes to worse, how will you deal with it?  If you have played "what if---", knowing that you have a plan can go a long way toward making the situation bearable.

Maybe I'm making things worse, and I apologize if that is so, but remember that we're on your side.

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