Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Deju Vu all over again

Yesterday was the day for my Tuesday Stitchers.  This group has been meeting for 30 years, and while we have been decimated by attrition, we have welcomed three  more members.  The whole process of getting to know these new ladies is made much easier as they are all previously known by one or more of the older members.  And, of course, we are all stitchers, and have all known my old friend, Carolyn, in her role as an internationally known designer, and respected stitchery instructor.

During the meeting I was doing the hand finishing of one of my small purses, and explained that I had--gasp!!--signed up for a craft show.  Two of them then wanted to take a closer look at the purse, and when I told them the price, asked if I had more.  As a result they are coming over this afternoon to look at the rest of my stock.  Didn't something like this happen when I showed the purses to my art quilting group?  That time, since I was committed to a show, so many were sold, that I had to start all over again with a whole new batch-- a time consuming job, but necessary if I was to meet my commitment. Since I only have the little purses to take to the craft show, and not that many of them--oops!

This morning David started another batch of bread.  Always a treat, and the house will smell so nicely when company comes.  Now I'm thinking that maybe I need to head out to the bakery to buy six, only, tea cookies.  Just had a reminder last night that there is a meeting of the fibre art group this evening, w-a-a-y out in Charleswood.  I guess I'll have another opportunity to practise my night driving.  I can't even imagine making horseradish.

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