Thursday, November 21, 2019

Back in business

finally.  Not nearly as much stress this time.  I managed to do most things by myself.  I was amused by how much I had learned by watching The Geek Squad working on the computer.  I ended up needing help to set up my e-mail, and in connecting to the news channel.  In the end I realized that I had been connected to Microsoft news, which is just the Microsoft company newsletter--all feel good stories, and not the news I have been watching for years.  So today my chore will be to figure that one out.  Monday I had another meeting out in Selkirk, not getting home until the middle of the afternoon.  Then it was full out housework getting ready for my stitchery ladies coming on Tuesday afternoon.  In the end only three of them came, the others having weak excuses such as as long scheduled MRI.  Where are their priorities?  lol.  But it was a chance to use Mom's fancy saucer/plates.  Then, I always think of family and how we all have a part of that precious memory of life at home, and the frantic house cleaning that preceded a visit of the "Spinsters".  Having a group like this over leaves me exhausted but with a good feeling about having the whole house clean at the same time.  That sure doesn't happen often.

By the time the ladies left, I was absolutely wiped out.  David took me to a movie--"Terminator: Dark Fate".  The local theatre has seen better days.  They are in the process of a huge renovation at that mall, given the availability of the building that housed the Sears store.  That has been taken down to pilings and roof, and, I understand, that there will be a new theatre, restaurant, a grocery store, and some other retails stores. So there's no hope of any improvements in the old theatre.  We sat in the back row, that is mainly reserved for wheelchair attendants and "people with mobility issues".  These seats are only rarely used, and in much better shape than most of the others.  I figure we qualify, and we probably actually do.  Much more comfortable than other seats that are always quite a struggle to get out of.  Not that we didn't have a choice, as there were only 14 people in the theatre.  We've found that the early show, on "cheap" Tuesdays, is often less crowded than later.  Once we were the only people there!

After the show, we went out gambling, and came home ahead, so yesterday, did a bit of shopping.  Food certainly, but also some clothes.  We are finding that only doing laundry once a week,  (which our poor sore backs love), leaves us short of some things.  Luckily, David found the long sleeved winter t-shirts he loves on sale.  I had wanted a couple more pair of pants to fit my expanding body ( yes, expanding, making me very unhappy with myself).  They apparently weren't on sale,but I bought them anyway.  She rang them up and I immediately questioned how small the bill was.  "Oh" she says "They're 40% off for a surprise sale, Today and tomorrow,  everything in the store is 40%off".  So we bought a third pair.  I also picked up a pair of slippers when we bought David's shirts.  I wore them after my shower last night and they hurt.  This morning I couldn't put on any slippers, my feet were so sore.  I sure hope they will take them back, but I'm not optimistic.

Today, I'm looking at taking it easy, and tomorrow as well.  Saturday, I'm working in the Gallery in Selkirk.  It is the yearly event "Holiday Alley".  I've working the last two years for this event, and loved every minute of it, although it's very busy and I come home exhausted.  The latest Rockton book is waiting for me at the library.  I've been reading some of the Steve Berry books you recommend, Beth, and can't put them done, once I get started.  I'm also re-reading some of the "Wild Hunt" series by Kelley Armstrong.  related to her Cainsville series, but separate, I find them amusing, as well as interesting. A melding of current moral standards with ancient Celtic beliefs. Best read in order, as all of her series are.

David is up, and it seems we need to go to the wine store today.  Best get dressed before we leave.

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