Saturday, November 9, 2019

So---what's going on

As I mentioned, I have anew computer.  The first issue was difficulty getting onto, and staying on, the Internet.  Since David wasn't having the issue, we knew it was my machine.  I took it into Best Buy, and they checked it out, saying everything seemed okay. The only thing they could suggest was that maybe the programming inside the machine, that connected to Wi-fi,  was wearing out.  The problem had been getting worse over time, so this seemed a good bet.  They sold me a special USB stick that would take over that function.  This was last Tuesday.  I took it home and tried it out,  Didn't work.  Wednesday, we did everything we could to get around things, but nothing worked. so we went back to the store, and bought a new computer.  We  left both machines there for a "data transfer" that was supposed to transfer everything, onto the new computer.  ( It didn't, but did transfer every single bookmark I've ever made in Google.  Every friggin' one)

Meanwhile, I'm trying to do a tremendous amount of word processing for the gallery in Selkirk, in hopes of having part of the job to present to the Board at a meeting Nov 18.  So Thursday morning off we go out to Selkirk so I could have a one-on-one with the Board President, who was available in the gallery to talk with me.  That meeting went well, but took over an hour, while David sat patiently and waited.  It happened to be over the lunch hour, and by the end we were both very hungry, but also wanting a bit of "down time' after the two+ days of frantic worry, hours with The Geek Squad, and endless fuss about things.  So we headed out to South Beach for lunch at the buffet and a bit of R&R.  We had to quit before we wanted,  as neither of us likes driving that highway after dark.  We had also finished ahead.  So we carried on to Regent and spent a couple of hours there, including supper.  

Friday we picked up the machines, thinking all was well.  It wasn't.  I spent several hours Friday with on-line support from Geek Squad. I did find out that I had no word processing and would have to buy a new Word program. Did I mention that Friday was also laundry day.  We had decided to try only doing laundry once a week instead of twice, and really need to wash clothes that day.  Got'er done.  

This morning,Geek Squad trying to get me settled in with Candy Crush.  Again this meant going into Google and getting the app, except in trying to do it, I screwed up Google thoroughly, so needed to find help.  I ended up getting it, but was now back to level 1, instead of level 2085.  And I've lost all of the "perks" that come with advancing through the game.  Google appears to be sorted out.

David was very much wanting to watch the Football game this afternoon, but couldn't find it.  He spent some time on-line with Shaw, finding out that it was not being broadcast on any channel we have.  The only place it might be available was at Regent, in the sport bar there. We had planned a turkey dinner for today, after so many days of playing catch-as-catch-can with meals.  This meant getting the turkey on to cook by noon, while David went out searching for a new filter for the humidifier on the furnace--a chore too long ignored.  Part of the reason for this becoming urgent was me finding black mold in the bedroom.  This meant using a mold deterant on the wall and opening up the area to prevent more moisture and cols from getting at it.  So more time was spent re=arranging the bedroom furniture, and dealing with the wall.

Are you still with me?  Just life as normal in the Findlay house.

Finally, I drove David to the Casino, planning to head over to buy Word and then taking some time in Starbucks with a book before heading over to pick him up.  He suggested I go in to make sure they were showing it in the bar.  They weren't.  The game is tomorrow and we're welcome to go back then.

I'm not up to facing installing that program this evening, and David has fallen asleep in his chair. I've now found out that my e-mail program is not working either. How're things going with you?

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