Monday, November 4, 2019

there are Easter Cactus, Christmas Cactus and then there is Cathy

She has a Halloween Cactus.  It has bloomed in late October, early November for years (it is actually a piece that fell off of the cactus at Land Titles.... It also bloomed for Halloween.)  We never get kids on Halloween anymore (since the neighbours and April's kids all grew up) so we finally took Jim's sister out for her birthday supper.  She wanted Chinese so we went to the buffet at the Bamboo. We all behaved and didn't eat until we were sick.  It was very good, as usual.  On Sunday, the Choralliers (female singing group) had a 50's Sing a Long at ArtsForward.  Rrain is a member and had  invited me, but I had forgotten about it until about 2pm when I saw the ad in the paper. It started at 2:30 so I said why not and headed out.  It was fun.  Quite a large crowd, and all the choralliers had on Poodle skirts and neck scarves.  Looked really good.  They projected all the words on an overhead screen and for a couple of sets they just sat at the back and let the crowd take over the music. There was a surplus sale in town this week.  All Helly Hansen stuff.  I wasn't going to buy anything, but I found a pair of sort of hiking boots.  I usually just wear my shoes all winter unless the snow is deep, and these are partly insulated but shoe level not boot level.  I've worn them out for a walk on the trail and into town.  I need to adjust the tongue on the right foot (that is the foot that was so swollen last year and never quite got down to the same size as the left foot). Other than that quite comfortable.  Today it is back to town for more medication for Jim.  He has already used up his Blue Cross coverage so I am paying both for the Blue Cross and for the drugs.  Makes me wonder why but then I do get Dental and emergency coverage, and my drugs are not used up yet, but close.  At least we don't have to come up with the money for his hearing aids.  That was a nice surprise and very welcome.  Jim is up and dressed so I guess it is time for breakfast.

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