Friday, November 15, 2019

Pretty early morning

Just came in from taking the dog out for his early morning constitutional. It is milder today and a light snow is falling gently all around making for a very pleasant scene. If it weren't still mid November and if I knew this "winter" weather were not staying I might feel even better about it. Take what I get I guess.  But for sure, one thing on my agenda for today will be snow shoveling. I make my "list" or agenda or whatever one wants to call it every morning- add to it as the day goes on sometimes- but the thrill is crossing off in big heavy strokes those chores that have been accomplished - however big or small... haha!
The Christmas cakes are baked and wrapped and stored away except for one which I am slowly slicing and eating. As it turned out, I was very much a part of the preparation process as i knew i would be. But that is OK - always is OK.
Yesterday I had to turn on the heaters etc in the basement which meant a bit of shuffling of stuff, but I did much work and by the end of the day felt very satisfied with progress. It helps to feel you have been productive rather than to have made no difference. Of course, it is only me who sees any progress and only me who can determine success on such days. Slow and steady should be my motto.
So here's to the weekend again. Hope all is well folks. And Pati hope all your computer woes shall be resolved. Take care.

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