Saturday, November 23, 2019

Good to be Back in business,,,,

That is how I was going to start this message but then just read your tale of woe about Shaw so hope at last that will be the end of it Pati. I was thinking all the time I read about your needing help etc that things were so much simpler before we got connected to technology and how it came that we are all required to comply with these necessary and involved steps in order to watch a TV show, or read a message from family or friends ( not a letter in the post that is!) Although, it does give some select few a job doesn't it? Those people with whom we talk and allow to take over our world, have to work, after all!
I had a run in with local road maintenance the other day resulting in a written formal complaint to the Town office. Yesterday afternoon I took the dog out just in time to see the Supervisor out the front taking a picture of my said issue. So we sparred. It took a while before the conversation turned pleasant and in the end we both came away I think, with a better understanding. These sort of confrontations take a tole on me and I never feel at peace because I think about it and play it over and over until I get upset again. 
We are in the cookie factory still and i hope perhaps today shall be the end of it as all the cookies are baked, but some need some decorations yet which should take place today. Then i need to store them until we make up trays to take to both Mike and Will, and also this week to Harry's sisters husband who we plan to visit on Tuesday while we are in Huntsville for shopping. His medical condition keeps him attached to the home on oxygen, and he is basically isolated and lonely. He sends us songs on the computer and emails all the time, and has taken to calling most evenings just after 6 pm because he has a cell phone that has a plan of unlimited calls after 6 pm. Donna still works and is most often not at home much. 
yesterday one of the shelves of the book shelf where i keep a million cookbooks collapsed so I knew it was time to organize it. Harry keeps bringing home cookbooks from the dump store, and it has become unmanageable. I have my favourites and usually do not venture into most of the others. I took three boxes of culled books down to the storage unit to store until we can drive them up to his sister in law in Kirkland Lake - she loves cookbooks and will sit all day looking at them.  I was surprised that Harry actually let me get away with this. Anyway, I was able to fix the shelf so that it will hold steady ( for now) and have most of the ones I want to keep nicely shelved - looks neat and tidy. However, i found some very interesting books including one that brought back some happy thoughts / nostalgic reading! And it involves you Pati. Remember Recipe Book compiled by The Ladies Auxiliary of the Winnipeg Citizens Radio Club?  Recipes from folks that I remember and names I remember from way back and names I remember you mentioning: Mac Findlay, Pat Findlay, Sheryl Chapnick, Chris Gunn, Sonya Gunn, Linda Lisecki, Shelley Chochinov, to name a few and I am sure you would recognize many of the others. To make a long story short, I spent far more time going through some of my keeper books than I should have, but I had a ball!
Well i better go and get ready for another day. Take care.

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