Saturday, September 25, 2010

Test almost done

I had the pulmonary function tests --the first half--yesterday, and was told that I'm perfectly normal. I see this as a terrible thing in today's healthcare. Now I'll be labelled as a hypochondriac. I know I was sick this summer, although I also know that I'm much, much better now. but over all, I gues this is good news, and I should be happy. Next Tuesday, I have to go back to be tested for asthma, but I'm not the least bit worried about that.

I bought most of the supplies for the painting class I've signed up for, and then came home to gather together the supplies I thought I had on hand. A couple of years ago you sent me a plastic bag of brushes, Beth. I grabbed it thinking that I would take if for the first lesson and then buy anything else that was suggested. Lo and behold, if there weren't a bunch of palette knives in the bag as well--just like the one I had just bought. Well, the one I bought was so cheap that it would cost more to drive across the city to return it than I would get back, so I guess I'm keeping them all. I got a course outline this week and now I'm really excited. It sounds like we're going to be exploring a different technique every week, and I won't be expected to paint copies of picture after picture. The last week we're to take 2 or 3 old pictures to colage over. I won't have any, so will probably go to Value Village and try to pick up a couple cheap.
So now it's Saturday night and I spent over two hours this afternoon herding two little girls through a sidewalk sale at the mall. I'm beat. David has been sick for three days now, and not wanting anyone hovering, so, when Amber asked, we didn't want to baby sit here and expose them to his germs. I don't know if the mall was any better. I meet Amber at the children's play area and we stay there while she runs errands, then I usually leave, but this time we wanted to see the sales. We ended up at a "buy one, get one" (at half price) sale at Payless. Amber was determined to get sneakers for the girls and just couldn't find any that fit, so she and I both got a pair of shoes. What a hassle! Big sale and two restless girls! Not my cup of tea.

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