Saturday, September 11, 2010


We had a windy spring and now it appears a windy fall. (even though, technically, it is still summer) I better hurry up an win the lottery so that I can retire. I am so tired of working all day and then coming home and working again. Yesterday I got some more corn in the freezer, the last of the green peppers, and some more green peppers in the dehydrator. All the cucumbers are picked (I have no use for them, nor a desire to find a use for them) I was looking for something other than pickles to preserve them but nothing magically appeared. We don't eat cucumber soup, but we may start if I have to puree and freeze them all to keep them. Today is tomato sauce. I got your recipes in the mail, Beth, but I had already tried a sauce recipe before they arrived. The one with wine does sound appealing though! It will be nice to get all this kitchen work done so I can wash the floor. Never thought I would look forward to washing a floor!Tuesday is our early intervention at work. Things have been going so well this last week that I am almost afraid the intervention will open things up again. Or maybe everyone is being nice so that there will be nothing to bring up at the meeting. Who knows. Mallorie has been transferred to Brandon for a week to help them get caught up, so at least I get a change of pace doing verifying. I get a week off the middle of October and then a week off at Christmas. Life is dictated by my holidays! Jim is up and about. Time to be civil. Love Ya

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