Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What a day....

I wasn't sure what to expect today from our Early Intervention, and I am still not sure what will be happening. We met together for about one hour, and then she met with each of us seperately, off site, for about an hour. Everything is private, so we have no idea of what was said or what she said to others. She has already told me that I will receive coaching to try and change my attitude, (I also seem to have a lack of respect for my managers that will have to be addressed). I agreed to the coaching. I have no idea if anyone else will be receiving coaching, and I may never know. I guess time will tell. Meanwhile I am still sitting here wondering what I did wrong. A lot of the things I had listed in my journal have no bearing on this situation. Values are not considered, so I guess Daddy instilled a work ethic in us for nothing. You are given time to change your attitude or actions and if you do not change within a certain time period, everything is turned back to management, and you can be disciplined. Nothing that happened before today can come back on us. Only what we do from now on. I guess I really have some thinking to do. I know I sound down right now, but I really think that only something positive can come from this process. I am just down because I still don't know what I did wrong to cause all this. I guess I will find out. so, how was your day?

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