Monday, February 21, 2011

Good Morning!

I feel a little like the groundhog, awakening after a long sleep.  Over the past couple of days I've slowly become aware of the condition of my house, and have found a bit of energy to start dealing with it. Today is six weeks since my fall, and I woke up at 5:00a.m. with my brain full of thoughts and ideas.  It's been about the six weeks since I can remember feeling that way.

Yesterday afternoon I had a meeting, but spent the morning tidying up the kitchen ( don't know why I bothered, it's messy again) and scrubbing the bathroom.  Then I got all of my papers ready for the meeting, and when I came home, I finished sorting out the computer room/office.  Took a full bag of shredding out of there.  That's more effort than I've expended since my fall, and I was ready for bed early--probably why I'm up so early.

When I did wake up, I remembered that I'm supposed to be teaching a class this Saturday.  So I'm guessing that most of today will be preparing for that.  I have a few errands to run in the next couple of days, but just in case there is still some mush in my brain, I think I better make a list.  OMG!  I'm feeling well enought to make lists! One job that needs doing for sure is dusting.  I HATE dusting!

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