Thursday, February 10, 2011

rough days (and nights)

David is finding the side effects from the drugs they have given him to be very troublesome. Neither of us is getting much sleep. I'm very glad that the surgery is scheduled. We'll have to take cabs both ways, as they won't proceed unles he has someone with him, and a ride home. I'll talk to the physio on Monday about how long it might be before I can drive again, but I don't think I'm in that much of a hurry to do it. So our lives, at this point, are "hurry up and wait", between medical appointments and my classes. I told my computer teacher that I wouldn't make it next week as there is a conflict with the surgery, and she is cancelling the class. Amber won't be bringing the girls over for supper on Suday, as David just isn't up to it. I wonder if life will ever be back to "normal".

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