Friday, November 18, 2011

I finally did it!

Something I haven't done in over 30 years.  Something I have bragged about not doing, and then felt very superior to those who do.  Been thinking about it for awhile but didn't think I could afford it, or would be comfortable with having done it.  I bought a pair of jeans.

Yes, I have been trying to keep my old work wardrobe going, but after 10-20 years things wear out.  I had two pair of pants that could be worn for a little longer, if only I had a top to go with them.  So yesterday we looked a bit at Walmart and the mall, then, finally ended up in Pennington's.  They are usually a little pricier, but can sometimes have better quality clothing than WalMart.  We found several tops and discovered that if I bought a pair of pants at regular price, any and all regularly-priced tops I bought would be half price.  I looked at two pair of pants.  One was a very nice, good quality pair of lined dress pants, but the other was jeans.  I have a pair of dress pants that seldom get worn, so the jeans won.  I now have eights new tops, two pair of pants ( a cheaper pair on sale, as well as the jeans) and a new housecoat.  This morning I threw out ( yes, garbaged) a pair of pants and two tops, and put two more tops aside for the thrift store.  I think there was celebration throughout the land when those pants hit the garbage, and one of the tops was ablouse that I wore to work for at least 10 years before I retired.

There was also good news in the e-mail yesterday.  One of my pieces in the gallery in Selkirk has sold.  So now we can afford to shop for Christmas presents for the little ones.  Amber is taking Jessica out for the afternoon, today, and is worried that Jessica is going to want to buy the CD she has been wanting, with her birthday money--the one that is already safely tucked away for Christmas.

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