Monday, March 4, 2013

I got mail!!!

I got birthday cards from my sisters!  What a warm fuzzy feeling that gives me.  Tomorrow I am going out for lunch with my daughter.  She let me choose and I was very bad and chose a beef and mushroom pizza (yummy!)  Lots of snow today.  I called and cancelled my scope yet again.  There is no way I am driving to Brandon and back in this weather.  (the roads are still open, but they are not advising travel)  My weekend didn't go as planned but at least I wasn't here.  I worked a short shift at the Legion on Friday night and were my feet ever sore afterwards!  Next time I am wearing my good shoes and not my cheap ones.  I' ve just got the blogger open and am writing as I get a chance.  Patty is off today so I am a bit busier than usual (3 jobs instead of just my usual 2)  (Don't be so bitchy, Cathy)  Well, now the rest of the staff is discussing the roads.  They might be staying in town tonight.  I, however, will be going home no matter what!    We heard from Dauphin Land Titles and they are going to have to close early and maybe not make it in tomorrow.  There are only 2 people there right now and both live outside of town.  I have to go and get Jim some drugs now.  Convenient how he runs out when he isn't coming to town.

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