Friday, November 7, 2014

Three Cats and the Vet - A Story

Yesterday was a real interesting day. A new vet has taken over from the old vet and has renovated the Office and bought a house in Town.  Up until now I have been able to just go in and purchase the Advantage Rx (monthly topical for eradication of fleas) for the dog and cats without issue,  But, new regulations from College states the Vet must assess each animal yearly before prescribing this Rx. So.....appointment made and the day came. Three cats were loaded into the car with Harry at the wheel.  I was to take them in to office one at a time for weighing and examination. The first was the old cat and this went OK and was even able to negotiate a reduced rate for all three. Super! Then the big cat was next - he wasn't as happy and when I put him on the floor scale he ran behind and under all the computer equipment.  The Vet couldn't get him out and finally taking printers out etc he got the cat but not before the cat had pulled out all the computer wires and disrupted the whole place. As I carried the cat into the examination room and as the vet was trying to reset the computer system, the receptionist stated "there goes the discount  haha"  Anyway, the third cat was uneventful The big cat apparently has diabetes according to signs but not confirmed with bloodwork.  All were given two needles each, and I was able to leave with a box of Mediation (for which this was all necessary) And I have to return with the cats in a year for another assessment, I have yet to take the dog in though and iam sue there will be no discounts given ever again!  In the meantime, Harry decided to bake cookies yesterday so the day was full of exciting adventure and discourse!.I started to write out Christmas cards as it was an activity where I could be available to help out in the kitchen quickly.
This morning woke up to snow covered ground. I still have work to do outside including emptying the water barrels (again) and bringing in the pump (again). I will never get the leaves raked so I guess that will be a Spring job to look forward to haha.
Well, here's to another day and it is Friday! yeah! I must go and buy a lottery ticket. Take care all.

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