Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Banana Cake

Yes, the cake was made.  Put a little too much maple flavouring in the icing,but that isn't a problem is it?  I ate that first wonderful piece, and was satisfied, which is a good feeling when you're being self indulgent.  But even with the three batches of banana bread, and the cake, we still had four bananas left over.  We may just have to eat them!

This evening we saw the movie "Into the Woods".  It was wonderful, and the visual imagery just about blew every creative gasket I have.  I thought Meryl Streep, as the Witch, was at her best.  My respect for her has taken a huge leap as a result of this movie.  Unfortunately, I can't say the same thing about Johnny Depp.  There was an article in today's paper suggesting that he has become a caricature of himself in many of his recent roles, and I could see it in this movie.  He seemed to have the same make-up he wore in "Pirates of the Caribbean" in his role of the  wolf.  If he meant the Wolf to be distasteful, he was successful.

Tomorrow we make turkey soup, and then we are done with the turkey.

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