Thursday, February 26, 2015

Grocery shopping again.

This as always hard for us as we resent spending that much money.  We walked out of Superstore yesterday with only three grocery bags, having spent over $200.00, and not bought anything but a few staples, and some veggies, ( and four cases of Dr.Pepper, but that counts as a staple, doesn't it?)  Today we have some spaghetti sauce in the slow cooker, so we can make lasagne tomorrow.  We (the Royal "we") chopped up some peppers for freezing ( Great price for peppers!), and are experimenting with those small boneless pork shops ( good price there too)  There have to be some uses for them other than just fast frying.  Do either of you ever use them?  For tonight we are trying them in kabobs marinated in Kraft Feta Greek (?) salad dressing.

Last evening and most of today, David has been doing our income taxes.  Today we received a cheque in the mail for our rebate on our share in the Red River Co-op.  All we do is buy all of our gas there.  Some people get a very good return each year, but ours is at the bottom end of the scale.  They take off a few things, one of which, to my surprise, was income tax.  ( okay, it makes sense when you think about it). so a T4 was included with the cheque.  When all was said and done, we got less than$100, but paid tax on almost twice that.  Something not right there.

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