Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I am so tired....

I managed to clean off most of the roof today. Only have one side at the back of the house to complete. I only clear off about 6 to 8 feet up from the gutter as that is as far as my rake will comfortably allow me to reach. I do NOT get right onto the roof but use a ladder to stand on and push and pull the rake back and forth. Exhausted me to then shovel all the snow away - no place to put any more snow. I came in, and poured a nice hot bath, made myself a hot chai latte and slipped into the soothing waters.  I am hoping that the bath immediately after coming in would help relax me quickly. The wind chill was terrible and gusts of wind kept blowing the snow all around.
I had my Dentist appointment this morning regarding that painful episode that started 4 weeks ago. Xrays showed nothing, and examination showed nothing. Dx was that my constant grinding has affected the tooth(teeth) adversely. I am to try my device again ( I have not worn it because it does not fit and makes me choke) He said then, that we should take another plaster and make a new device but all I could see was $$$$$$$ so I said I would give my current one another try.  I grind day and night so maybe I'll try to wear it also during day when I am not out. I have it in now and although it feels strange, I will persevere.
Yesterday I made a most delicious meal - a German meal and one that we used to eat frequently long ago. It is meatballs done in a special cream sauce, and potato dumplings. The only item I left out was capers which I did not have on and and was not going to buy especially for the dish. I had another helping tonight as there was enough leftover. I would love to try more of the dishes we used to eat and I have the German cookbooks that I can use as a guide. As well I would sure love to make more meals in the slow cooker. You folks have me beat there for sure!
Well time to read from my latest The Kidd Novels by John Sandman. Getting really interesting and I can hardly put book down at night but my poor old eyes deceive me and I have to stop in order to relieve them.  Take care

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