Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Away all day...

.....just logged on and found you inquiry Pati.  Since I do not understand it, suffice to say I did NOT make a movie on Google today.  Should I know more about this?
We went again down to Bracebridge hospital to visit the elderly Mother of friends in Sprucedale. It was a rainy day and we had hoped to go outside...as it turned out, we went outside the entrance door and sat under the quasi roof where there were benches. Since it was warm and humid, the temperature was just fine for her to be outside in spite of the downpour.at times. These days always consume the entire day as we start in Huntsville and go to the stores eg ReStore, and Sal Army Thrift Shop etc. and then over to Mall for Harry to have poutine and for me to have a Tims coffee and apple fritter (shame on me) and then to look in Coles. So the time goes by and  then drive another 45 Km to Bracebridge to the hospital.  I just spoke with the friend to give her an update, and she is very appreciative of our going to spell her off a bit. But it does make for a tiring and long day. I shall be hitting the bed real soon haha  Take care.

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