Thursday, July 16, 2015

Looking after Lion

Ever since we moved into this house--16 years ago--Lion has dozed away the summer under the birdbath. You may remember the Lion Ceremony we hold on the 24th of May and Thanksgiving.  But now the birdbath is falling apart and David wants to get rid of it.  (I suggested that we find a new bowl for it, but I think I'm being out voted)  This means that we need to find a new place for Lion.  I want to be able to see him from the kitchen window and I want him to have a bit of shade.  David made a little platform, under the bush that is against the fence between the house and the garage, out of bricks left over from when we had the garage floor replaced, and he has been there for about a week.  Today we noticed that he is covered in bird droppings.  This didn't seem to happen nearly as much under the birdbath--go figure.  Anyway, we need to find another place,and there just doesn't appear to be one that meets my criteria. It looks like he will end up at the corner of the garage that faces into the garden.  It's a nice place, in easy sight from the kitchen, but no shade.  Oh well, at least there is no bird perch above him.

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