Sunday, July 5, 2015

Same old--sort of---

We haven't been out since Friday, when we got my driver's licence paid.  Loren was ever for a few minutes, that morning, and I mentioned, that it needed paying.  Look of horror on his face--seems he forgot to pay his which was due before June 30th.  I hope he sorted that out.

Yesterday David mowed the lawn, and noticed that the Nanking Cherries were ripening, so spent a fair bit of time out in the heat and humidity doing that. The cherries were so wet with the humidity, once we got them inside, that they were the very devil to clean--and they needed cleaning.  But the job got done, and we can now look forward to  today's chore of making jelly. We have the jars in the dishwasher, and every thing ready to go, but as soon as the stores open, he has to head out and buy Certo.

Hopefully, I can get a few minutes in the studio, either while he's out, or while waiting for the dishwasher to finish.  I managed to get in for a bit yesterday.  I worked hard on a piece,and once it was was finished, took a good look, and decided it was for the circular file,--- I needed to start over again. The main problem was drawing an oval, which is difficult.  But I chose a shortcut. This meant getting out all of my oval platters and using the "right" one to trace around.  Of course, they were all up high in cupboards or on my plate rail.  My long-suffering husband helped without complaint.  So, of course, I'll help with the cherry jelly later today.

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