Saturday, March 23, 2019

And now for a few days at home.

Last week was weird, and involved unexpected things-or expected things gone strange.  Wednesday we worked all day on the "to do" list that I had been compiling for a couple of weeks, with plans of getting things accomplished while we had no car.  When we had exhausted ourselves, and had done as much as we physically could.  I went downstairs and started going through my fibre related books to see if there were any I could cull.  There were also several loose leaf binders full of "stuff".  I spent quite a bit of time on the binders, as I found quite a few outlines and related stuff on classes that I no longer teach, and never want to consider teaching again. There were also notes etc from classes that I had taken.   Going through all of that paperwork took the rest of the day. I phoned the Craft Museum and Library and they were receptive to the books, on the understanding that any they couldn't use would be sold, as part of a fund raiser.

There were also some things that came up through e-mail, that were preying on my mind, and called for a quick trip out to Selkirk.  So Thursday morning off we went,  Books in a suitcase in the trunk, and paper work firmly in my hand.  We figured we might be home in time for lunch--poor fools us.  Selkirk was a zoo.  People coming and going, lots of inquiries and questions.  The final sign-off on the renovations was going on.  People were there who could offer me advise and support on some procedural changes I wanted to make within my area of responsibility, and that lead to even more work.  We were there for over 2 hours.  By the time we left, David wanted lunch, so we stopped at the A&W in Lockport, and then drove into the city on Main St., something neither of us has done in years.

Got to the Crafts Museum and Library in time to drop off the books.  Once we got that done, she asks about a class I was to have taught for them over 10 years ago, and wondered if there might be any chance to try it again.  Thank Goodness, it didn't involve all of the papers I had culled on Wednesday, so I told her I would think seriously about it.

Friday was, of course, laundry day, but when it came time for a coffee break, David had several errands to run, so between outings, the laundry wasn't finished until almost bedtime.  It was time to put away the duvets, which made extra work, of course.  But we now have spring and fall quilts on the beds, as well as new pillow cases.  We needed new pillow cases, so, that morning, we had visited the store closing sale at Hudson's Bay Home Sense store nearby.  Wow, even with big reductions, the prices had to be seen to be believed, but we found the only two sensibly priced sets of pillow cases in the whole place ( we know as we had looked at every set of pillow cases in the store).

Today, early, an unexpected e-mail, saying that there are people wanting to resurrect the ATC group, and there will be a luncheon meeting tomorrow.  I still have the cards that weren't used, last spring, so said I would go.  The rest of the "to do" list was accomplished, and there was even time this afternoon to do some pattern designing in the studio.  Heaven!

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