Saturday, March 16, 2019

Roller Coaster

Still trying to get off this roller coaster ride we have been on for quite awhile - with the weather and the associated aspects of life managing the effects of the weather. Snow on the ground this morning and the plough just went by - more shoveling at the driveway. Yesterday and day before rain and it's partners such as freezing rain and pellets took over - and of course the results of roof ice dams and leaking. In the afternoon Harry took to the front and chipped all the ice and I removed it as it fell off to the ground. Surely this will help? We still have to do the back of the house which is on the agenda for today but it will cause some problems with positioning the ladder as the back is loaded with snow banks - less likely to get purchase for the ladder which is my job - to stabilize the ladder while Harry works at the roof. Not an easy job.
Thursday night there was a terrible fire at the end of our street at the corner of the Highway. An original building which currently held the Muskoka Auto Parts Store as well as a residential apartment. It was completely destroyed as the Volunteer Firemen were still on site all day Friday as they still sprayed the rubble as a huge machine demolished the standing parts. The sadist part of this story if it can get worse, is that the woman who lived in the apartment - the crossing guard at the corner for all the school kids - lost her husband on Dec 26 and was still in shock and mourning over his death - now she has lost everything - all her memories and possessions.  The United Church has started a clothing fund and there are pots around town for people to donate.  I also wonder about the business beginning again or will it not exist anymore - it was a very busy place with people coming there for their parts needs and a boost for the community. That corner will never be the same landmark that it was.
Well, time for some breaky and then on with the day. I was happy to read about your Birthday events Pati and apparently still more for today with the family. And Cathy what have you planned as you countdown the days???  Take care

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