Saturday, March 30, 2019

Computers and retirement blues

I couldn't get into the blog.  It told me my google password was changed yesterday. (not me)  So now I have changed my |Google password.  It seems it is used for anything related to Google, including the blog.  I wonder what other surprises I am going to get.  Then there are the retirement surprises.  They contacted me from work yesterday for two things.... First, the form I filled in for my Severance to go to my RRSP was outdated now because we got a raise on March 24th.  Could I please send a new one.  Secondly,  sorry Cathy, but when we told you your blue cross would end on April 5 we were wrong.  It actually ends today. (Friday)  So much for the prescriptions I was going to fill today.  And speaking of Blue Cross.  It seems they sent me the wrong forms and quotes.  Instead of $217 per month it will be $340 per month and I have to reapply as soon as possible.  I sent the new forms in but we opted for the basic plan at $253 per month.  Lower medication and dental coverage and no vision coverage (or massage 😞)  Even that is more than I budgeted for.  We even waffled at the $217.  We will try for a year, but once we reach our max we will still be paying $253 as well as full price for our medications.  Not a great week for me. I did manage to clean the bathroom.  Obviously I don't do it often enough as I found 7 deodorants, none of them empty.  I still have to scrub the tub surround, but I will get to that today.  I started sorting papers in the office and have thrown out (to be burned) all the tax returns up until 2010, old mortgage documents, Sears' and phone bills etc.  Next is the pictures.  I started on the books and took a box in for the Rotary used book sale.  I have trouble parting with my cook books.  I love looking through them for recipes to try. (easy ones... I don't have the ingredients for some of the more complex ones)  Trouble is, ones I love, Jim dislikes and the other way around.  And, "GASP",  he doesn't really like apple crisp.  What do I do with the 24 bags of frozen apple slices I have?  I get my 50 days of banked holidays on my next cheque so I am planning on putting some of it away for emergencies.  Or maybe even paying someone to do some repairs around the house.  I still have tape over the bathroom light switch cause there is a problem with the light.  And the shower leaks and the toilet runs.  I can deal with the toilet.  Especially now that I have cleaned off the top of the toilet tank and can get into it.  The leak I think is behind the tub surround. Not as easy.  And then there is the well......... It is much easier to ignore these things when you are gone all day.  I wonder what I will be like in another 3 weeks..  I might be totally crazy by then and not just half way.😅

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