Saturday, March 9, 2019

It's supposed to be warmer

The tv says that it's -5.  The forecast is for -3.  This morning I put on a t-shirt instead of a sweater and I'm cold.  And I was so optimistic!

Thursday I had a meeting out in Selkirk.  I had got up determined to find something good and/or beautiful in everything around me.  It was a beautiful drive.  The sun was shining, and the highway was clear.  Most of the ice fishing huts were gone from the river, and those remaining appeared to be in the process of being moved.  The government had issued a warning that they had to be off by last weekend, as the ice breakers were moving in.  Does this mean Spring is coming?  (Lots of concern about flooding to the South of us, and that doesn't bode well for us.)  It was something to see tow trucks with flatbed trailers backed into the approaches to the river, waiting to take the huts away.  Some of the huts are fairly elaborate, but there are others that are just glorified tents, and over the winter there were even a few chairs beside a hole, as well.  A beautiful day, a well oiled meeting with good results.  And then it was time to head home.  Whoops!  Where did the highway go?  Sun was still shining, and you could actually see the highway, but the blowing snow was heavy enough that, periodically, it was almost a white out up to the level of the car door.  Above that there were clear lines of sight in all directions. I have to confess that it didn't actually interfere much with driving, but it was unlike anything I had seen before.

Yesterday was a quiet day.  Laundry to do, as we do every Friday.  I gave myself an early birthday gift and bought another month of membership to Design matters tv.  As before, I found a few interesting ideas in their membership videos, at least one of which I want to try.  But as always new techniques require supplies and that means money.  Regardless, I think I may make a short trip to Micheal's with a limited budget, just to give my idea a try.

Saturday is usually my day for watching tv, mainly on PBS.  Unfortunately, this month is pledge break and none of my usual shows are on.  That means the evening playing poker.  I just get one or two tournaments in on an evening, but lately I've been doing a little better.  Hope that holds for tonight.

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