Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Catching up....

We were without the internet for 8 days. And although life just kept coming on and on, it was interesting to see and feel the impact that living without this technological device, which has become so much a part of our lives, had on each of us, but especially seeing my reaction to it.  We have been programmed to its use  - I was going to say "captive" but i think that is too strong for me - maybe not for others. I was still able to walk over to the bank to do banking that was necessary, and I was still able to use the phone to compete other tasks such as getting the lottery numbers haha! But I was not connected to you and the blog and the emails. Although my emails were all mostly from Onstar and Sirius and GM as result of our recent new car lease, and not personal, of which I really get few from very few acquaintances.   My morning routine was disrupted as I could not sit down with my coffee, by myself, and log on and  read about you folks, and about Winnipeg (through the Free press) and about other peoples blogs most of which you, Pati have me reading haha!  And I always check the weather and the Quilt Blog and so my morning starts........I believe that I could have survived if we did not have the internet, but nowadays, it is a necessary part of life which in itself may be a sad commentary on our lives as a whole. Anyway so here I am.......
As part of the new car lease I think I mentioned that we were able to take advantage of a Winter February Event discount if we were members of Costco. We did, and so we did. Part of this discount includes a $500.00 gift card to shop at Costco. I received a call the other day from GM (the agent was in San Diego and shocked when I said it was minus 22 C here) and I had to participate in a survey which I did, and then informed that my card for Costco would arrive in the mail within three weeks. This will be a bonus although it means we will have to go to a Costco. - There is the one in Sudbury closer to Mike, but also one in Orillia and Barrie to the south. 
Speaking of the cold, it is relentless and causing some differences of opinions here in this house as it relates to the greenhouses and their management. Short term weather may be better over this weekend but still not stable enough to offer any hope that this issue may be resolved amiably.  As well we have ongoing issues with the snow and ice on the roof and causing some leaking as the ice creates dams. We were out again to try to remove more snow and I bought a substance from the hardware to sprinkle on the ice along the edges which is very thick. This year is especially harsh and consequently we are experiencing worse issues than usual. The streets are being cleared by the village to allow for meltoff when it comes but I live in dreaded fear of what may happen here. I was speaking with our Insurance agent and confirmed we have water coverage with our Household Insurance but that is little consolation when I realize there is not much I can do down the road when it happens. So I live with that worry every day.
On a brighter note Harry's sister's son is getting married in September. We have received the invitation to the event to be held in Huntsville. Yesterday I received an invitation to a Bridal Shower from the Maid of Honour to be held in May in Collingwood which is at least three hours drive from here. The Bride, Ashley , is actually from Washago Beach, close to there. So there is no way I plan to attend, and will likely buy a gift and get it to Donna ( Harry's sister) as I am sure she will likely go or can give it to them somehow. The couple actually live in Peterborough north east of Toronto.  But in the meantime we have cloths to think about. The invitation noted it as "Formal wear".  Harry tried on his suit and it fits OK still. I have an old dress which I could wear but each week as we shop and go into the Thrift Store, I have a look for something that might fit the bill. I saw a gorgeous ( new) skirt that I loved but then one has to have a blouse and blazer or something to go with it - so I did not buy it.  I'll figure something out - I am sure I have something suitable right in my cupboard.
This week on Thursday I have a visit planned to Daisy who is up from Toronto with her family for the week. And Friday the husband of Ruth the neighbour across the street (Gerd) is having a Birthday and I have a card and hope to slip over for a coffee.  I plan to bake some cupcakes for both these visits but time will tell.
So I guess we are up to date for now? Now time for another coffee and some breakfast before my day begins in earnest. It is only minus 31 C this morning so it can only get better. Right?  Take care

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