Thursday, July 8, 2021

Assumptions and Contentment

 Well, Cathy, I guess if you didn't inherit McGrath hair, you must have inherited Hughes hair.  I don't want to think about an alternative assumption.  Even if your hair is white, is it soft or stiff and kinky?  If soft, count your blessings.

The past couple of days have been relaxing, but somewhat productive as well.  The white quilt is finished and on the charity pile.  I've started to put together the orange quilt that's been on the design wall for a few days.  (I must take a picture of it.)  It consists of 4" squares put together in rows.  It started with a small pile of Hallowe'en squares that I won in a raffle.  There weren't enough to make a full quilt, so I had to add squares from my pile of 4" squares that has been hanging around the studio for years.  I needed 100squares.  They were all lined up and I was pinning on little pieces of paper with code numbers identifying their position on the quilt. I just about died when I realized that I had 10 rows of 9 pieces rather than 10 rows of 10.  I have no more fabric that will be suitable.  So, I'll just have to sew them together and add borders, to get the minimum size I need for these charity quilts.  Hadn't counted on that, and it will interfere with the pattern.  But, "needs must".

David and I have been playing at trying to fulfill the challenges that Starbucks issues twice weekly.  We don't always do it, and don't worry if we miss, but we do try.  Well, this week we have to buy a baked good 7 times in 8 days, and we've already missed one day.  So, this afternoon, David offered to go and buy what was needed, while I sorted out my sewing.  Gotta luv 'im!  It arrived just as I finished my work, and I sat outside to read and drink my coffee.  But I found that I really couldn't concentrate on my book, but rather it just felt good to sit and look at the garden and listen to the birds.   Then, I realized that I was feeling contented.  I've spoken about this before, and the more I think about it, maybe we are blessed if we can just find that one moment of contentment during our day.

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